
Your privacy is important to us. We treat your personal data with great care and ensure its safety.
This privacy statement covers all services offered by us are offered.
BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR collects and processes personal data.
In the collection and processing of your personal data, we respect the Belgian legislation on protection of personal data, as well as the General data protection Regulation (“GDPR”) from its entry into force, may 25, 2018.
The personally identifiable information you provide to us are always your responsibility to check them for accuracy.

We rely on its accuracy. If your data is no longer up to date, we ask you to report it. Your personal data are stored and processed for a period necessary in function of the purposes and the relationship that we have with you. After a five-year term this information is removed from our systems, subject to personal information that we keep on the basis of specific legislation any longer.

You have the right to free of charge to take note of information we have about you and for which they are used. You have the right to obtain, as well as improvement of incorrect personal information in order to complete incomplete personal data. You can request that we delete your personal information or to limit processing under the conditions as determined by the General data protection regulation. We can refuse the gegevenswissing or limitation of personal data that are necessary for us to carry out legal obligations.

You can always obtain a document in legible form of the personally identifiable information you provide to us.

These personal data are limited used within our community.

We process the personal data on the basis of article 6.1 of the General data protection regulation. Your personal data will not be sold, transmitted or made available commercially to direct marketing agencies or similar service providers.

The customer has the right to complain to the Commission for the protection of privacy.


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